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Ultrasound scannersMedical Products




supplied by emeditechnik

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Medical ultrasound scanners

Mobile Ultrasound Scanners

quality ultrasound image configured to required ultrasound examinations for medical application for public and privet hospitals, specialists clinics and wards. Various types of ultrasound scanners are available to lease or purchase, ask our sales department for demonstrations Phone:+441293510231

Portable Ultrasound Scanners

Desk top Ultrasound Scanners

Lap top  Ultrasound Scanners

Wire-Less ultrasound Scanners

Hand Held Ultrasound Scanners

Pocket Ultrasound Scanners

Patient Monitors

Vital sign Monitors

Ultrasound scanning gel Clear

5Liter Packs

250ml  Bottles

1 liter Bottle

Ultrasound Probes

Ultrasound transducer arrays. Ultrasound probes types Linear, Convex, Phased, Endo-cavity, micro-convex, many more types of probes available.

Ultrasound probe shapes and frequencies are related to scanning requirements based on anatomical structures and its position in the human body . Performance and quality as well as safety standards of each of model of ultrasound probes are very important which are dependent on its shape, and internal construction of elements and control by main system designed within and for individual scanner models

Ultrasound Probe Covers

Ultrasound probe covers designed to keep transducers clean as possible to protect patients and users from infection. Well designed probe protection is to the size requirement of probe models to cover more than active contact parts and handle areas. normally covers should be used with contact media like ultrasound gel or sterile ultrasound gels materials for the covers should be safe to use on external and internal scanning procedures. not easy to break whilst performing examination, easy to remove for safe disposal.

Ultrasound Biopsy Guides

Medical Consumable Products

Video Printer Image Paper

Medical Papers Ultrasound

Probe cleaning materials

Cleaning wipes

Hard surface cleaning and disinfectants

Hand Sanitizers

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