Clover Ultrasound Scanner Light,Laptop, HD Transducers emeditechnik: 01293510231

Ultrasound Scanners

Ultrasound Scanners for general US imaging, guided procedures,and applications based diagnostic ultrasound examinations.



Ultrasound imaging for IV therapy and vascular access procedures.

Ultrasound imaging for Anesthesia

Ultrasound Imaging for EPIDURAL AND SPINAL procedures.

Ultrasound imaging for Small Parts

Ultrasound imaging for Abdominal Examinations

Ultrasound for Obstetrics Gynecology examinations

Ultrasound probes and scanners for Reproduction & Fertility clinics.

Ultrasound imaging for Echo Cardiology

Ultrasound imaging for Urology

Ultrasound imaging for Pediatrics

General Imaging Ultrasound imaging for Soft tissue medical

imaging,measurements and monitoringMSK and many
scanning requirements normally performedin hospitals wards
clinics and A&E departments

 MSK, Obs& Gyne, Vascular, Abdominal, Urology. A&E,

For hospital wards and clinics.


Ultrasound scanner cloverultrasound machine configured for medical diagnostic imaging applications.

To demonstration and purchase Call Sales and service 01293510231 ask for Sales

Configurations with Portable or cart based, Laptop Ultrasound with full of features.

Ultrasound applications related user workflow.Probe and applications relationship parameters for easy quality imaging for detailed examination protocol image a=acquisitions annotate measure and save operations.light weight multi connector fast boot up and standby.Easy to use Ultrasound Portable scanner with performance, still with affordable prices.

Applications possibilities for most Hospital or clinic based ultrasound imaging applications.Well designed specific probes with advanced imaging techniques linked with educational software. Needle enhancement and guidance software package.Lightweight ergonomic design for portability and ultrasound applicationsThe Clover system is a full function hand-carried or mobile cart based ultrasound scanner features are included with lightweight, easy to use, durable and best-in-class image quality performanceBroad range of Transducers for wide range of applications, linear convex and phased array probes hockey stick Including 20 MHz linear probe, and the Clover system supports all ultrasound applications required for patient examinations. Linear probes offers the specific central line mark on the probe to assist any out-plane biopsy.HOLO™ PlatformThe HOLO™ platform with the advanced ultrasound plan wave technology, provides a cutting-edge 64-beam imaging. Due to high-speed hardware platform, the system can handle up-to 5000 frames image per second, which increases the diagnosis confidence significantly.Time-Spatial Speckle SuppressionBased on the HOLO™ highest frame rate, the Clover ultrasound Imaging Speckle reduction is achieved precisely in the spatial dimension and in the time dimension.HOLO™PWHOLO™ PW support max 3 PW imaging under real-time and frozen status. Provides an essential tool in accurately evaluating plaque ultrasound studies, synchronized measurements of the vessel before at & after the vascular pathology.Ultra-Wide Steer AngleUp to 30° maximum for quick angle adjustment or by 1° steps clover offers user comfort for Doppler angle steering to match vessel angle & blood flow preciselyAuto DopplerWith Auto Doppler, The Clover Ultrasound machine can auto locate the blood vessels, adjusts the colour ROI box position, steer angle, gate size, PW steer angle and correction angle.Up to date range of hardware and software DICOM network connectivityFor demonstrations emeditechnik: Phone:01293510231Ultrasound scanning applications machine configuration with range of probe and application based software optionsFertility treatment clinics, ultrasound scanner for reproduction & fertility.Emergency Medicine,

Ultrasound for MSK, PAIN managment & TREATMENT,

Emergency Medicine

Range of Applications


Ultrasound imaging for IV therapy and vascular access procedures.

Ultrasound imaging for Anesthesia

Ultrasound Imaging for EPIDURAL AND SPINAL procedures.

Ultrasound imaging for Small Parts

Ultrasound imaging for Abdominal Examinations

Ultrasound for Obstetrics Gynecology examinations

Ultrasound probes and scanners for Reproduction & Fertility clinics.

Ultrasound imaging for Echo Cardiology

Ultrasound imaging for Urology

Ultrasound imaging for Pediatrics

General Imaging Ultrasound imaging for Soft tissue medical

imaging,measurements and monitoringMSK and many
scanning requirements normally performedin hospitals wards
clinics and A&E departments


Additional information


Cart Based, Colour Doppler, Desk TOP, Laptop, Medical, Portable

Battery and mains operated

Internal Battery, Mains


A&E, Abdominal, Adult Echo, DVT, Intervention, Medical Admissions, MSK, Obs & Gyne, Outpatients, Ultrasound for Pre Assesment Unit, Ultrasound Guided Procedures, Ultrasound of musculoskeletal (MSK), Vascular

Software Options

Advanced Modes and Advanced Applications and Learning Software options, CW, DICOM_Transfer, Tissue Doppler, WiGuide, WiLearn, Worklist


Convex, Linear4 CM, Linear 25mm, Micro Convex, Endo-Cavity, Adult Phased-1, Adult Phased-2, Ped Phased


110-220V AC, Battery Optional


Product Specification
Ask for latest detailed Clover ultrasound imaging applications based configurations and machine specifications
Standard Features
B Mode
Harmonic Imaging
M Mode
Color Doppler Imaging
Directional Power Doppler Imaging
PW Doppler
HoloTM PW Imaging
Spatial compounding imaging (SCI)
Time-spatial speckle suppression imaging (imaging enhancement)
One key auto B imaging optimization
Auto Doppler
FZoom (Full Screen Zoom)
Optional Features
Anatomic M
3G/4G Network Adapter
Video Convertor Box
Extra Battery
ECG module
Probe Extend Module

B Mode
Harmonic Imaging
M Mode
Color Doppler Imaging
Directional Power Doppler Imaging
PW Doppler
CW Doppler
Anatomic M
HoloTM PW Imaging
Boot-up and Power off
Hard boot-up in 23s
Power off in12s
Quick recover from sleep in 5s
Physical Spec
System Dimension and Weight
Height: 65mm
Width: 352mm
Depth: 366mm
Weight: Around 4.9kg (Include Battery)

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